Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Laptop speakers attack typist's wrists

Most of the time I don't like tv, but lately I've loved it like Michael Jackson loves kids (arguable simile, as today the jury found him "not guilty" on all accounts... He celebrated with a slumber party). Yes, I agree that in general television numbs the brain (not to mention metabolism) but we've run out of creative procrastinations (see sunglass-balloon party entry below). We've finished The O.C., we've finished Desperate Housewives (which we've affectionately shortened D.H.), we've finished Lost, and now we're making our way through One Tree Hill. This is an all-time low. The cheese factor of this sitcom is unbelievable, I'm sure it'll win a teenchoice award if it hasn't already. Fifteen episodes left in this season...we should be done by Friday.

Ron's laptop speakers are attacking my wrists with electric shocks, it must be a sign to stop here. Chris is coming to Brisbane in four days!


At 8:02 p.m., Blogger PhotoDiarist said...

I'm coming in 2 days!

49 hours from now Marcus and I will be landing, woooohoooooooo!

(Can you tell all my exams are done?)

At 10:11 p.m., Blogger treesa said...

nervous? just a bit.
like, a really big bit.
haven't packed yet, leaving in less than 24 hours....GAH

At 9:02 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyheyhey (somehow that greeting never really caught on)

good luck with the rest of your exams! I've only got french and I'm sick of studying hehe (finished half my year today, finishing 2nd half tomorrow, sending it all in the day after haha)

hoot to chris for me! I hope you guys have fun after your exams are finally over.

I was gonna send reeses pieces (now that I remember) but I was scared they'd get all gooey in their bags so---I'm sending it to you for a chrismas present! okay----really really early christmas present hehe

hope you enjoy when it gets there (aprox. 1 month hehe)

as the-magnet-me-and-mom-gave-to-dad-for-father's-day-that-we-bought-at-bowen-while-the-sun-was-shinging-and-mom-and-dad-were-at-the-strawberry-tea-and.... says,

live well
laugh often
love much

At 5:43 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jos, guess what? sami's in town! woohoo! long time no see with her hehe, too bad you guys aren't here. :( She's gone full irish hehe. She's bringing her brother (tommy) and they've come alone! anywho, I gotta go make plans with her for bowen (yay! hehe)



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