Goodbye Matt and Jenn
Hello hello everybody,
So what's the news? Well, I'm (almost!) done exams and in less than one week I'm flying to Southeast Asia for another month of backpacking!

Matt and Jen left Union this morning for their trip in New Zealand. God I'm going to miss those two... Over the last year Jen has become the epitome of a good friend. It's odd to pass her room knowing that it's empty and that I can't go right in and collapse on her bed. And I don't know where to begin with Matt. He's just a truly amazing person. Unfortunately time moves along and drags me with it! So I guess I'll just have to be content with appreciating it all for what it's been. Hopefully we'll all keep in touch and if things work out right, we'll all see each other next summer at the Calgary Stampede!
But for the moment, I just want to shake off this empty feeling. It sucks to be here waiting for my flight out while those I've grown closest to leave. I really can't wait to get on a plane back to Southeast Asia, get distracted with backpacking, and get all of this off my mind.

In other news, I've fallen in LOVE.
With Vegemite.
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And I thought I was krazy ??? (hehe)
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